Conditions de vente

Conditions de vente


1. Cream della Cream GmbH, située Via Pietro Capelli 18, 6900 Lugano en Suisse et dont M. Philipp P. Plein,, est le directeur général (ci-après dénommée "Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH" ou "nous"), possède une boutique en ligne à l'adresse internet (ci-après dénommée le site web"). Toutes les commandes que vous passez sur ce site web ainsi que nos livraisons et services sont soumis uniquement à la version des Termes et Conditions standards suivante, en vigueur au moment de la commande. À moins que nous ayons donné notre autorisation par écrit pour leur application, nous ne reconnaissons aucun terme et condition différents de la part du client.

2. Seuls les consommateurs pourront passer des commandes sur la boutique en ligne. Il est formellement interdit aux vendeurs ou intermédiaires d'acheter. Les marchandises seront vendues aux consommateurs dans les quantités et gammes habituellement achetées par les consommateurs.

2 Droit de retourner des marchandises

1. Vous pouvez demander un retour sous 14 jours civils à compter de la réception du colis et vous devez le renvoyer au plus tard au cours des 5 jours ouvrables suivant la création et l'envoi de l'étiquette de retour. Ce délai aura été respecté, à condition que les marchandises soient envoyées à temps. Toutes les marchandises sont retournées à nos frais et à nos risques.

Nous demandons à ce que - au sein de l'Union Européenne et en Suisse - la demande de retourner les marchandises soit transmise par écrit, par exemple, par courrier, fax ou e-mail. Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH s'arrangera directement avec UPS pour le retrait des marchandises, à moins que les marchandises ne nous aient été envoyées immédiatement sans demande de retour préalable.

Une demande de retourner les marchandises doit être envoyée à :
Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH
Via Pietro Capelli 18
6900 Lugano


Les marchandises doivent être envoyées à :
7R Logistics Park
ul. Maratońska 104 A
94-102 Łódź

Les frais ne peuvent pas être remboursés tant que Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH n'aura pas reçu la commande complète du client avec toutes les étiquettes en parfait état et dans l'emballage d'origine.

3 Conséquences du retour

1. Si les marchandises ne sont pas retournées correctement, les deux parties sont tenues de restituer tous les services reçus ou l'usage qui en a été fait (c'est-à-dire, les avantages liés à l'utilisation). Si vous ne pouvez pas ou pouvez retourner ou restituer seulement en partie les services reçus ou l'usage qui en a été fait (c'est-à-dire, les avantages liés à l'utilisation) ou bien uniquement dans de pires conditions, vous serez dans l'obligation de nous dédommager en fonction de leur montant. Nous vous demanderons de nous dédommager en cas de détérioration ou de nous rembourser la valeur acquise suite à l'utilisation, uniquement si cette utilisation ou détérioration est due à un traitement qui va au-delà du contrôle simple de la qualité du produit et de la manière dont il fonctionne. Vous ne serez pas tenu de nous dédommager en cas de détérioration due au fait de ne pas avoir porté le produit à utiliser de la manière adéquate. Vous serez dans l'obligation de nous rembourser la valeur acquise suite à l'utilisation uniquement si vous avez utilisé le produit d'une façon allant au-delà du contrôle simple de la qualité du produit et de son fonctionnement. On entend par "contrôle simple de la qualité du produit et de son fonctionnement" l'évaluation et l'essayage des marchandises en question, tels qu'ils sont habituellement effectués comme, par exemple, dans un magasin.

Les obligations de paiement doivent être remplies dans les 30 jours. Cette période démarre pour vous lorsque vous retournez les marchandises ou que vous demandez à ce qu'elles soient retournées et pour nous, lorsqu'elles sont reçues.

2. Votre carte de crédit sera débitée lorsque les marchandises seront envoyées. La carte sera créditée lorsque les marchandises sont retournées, les pertes possibles dues au taux de change ne seront pas remboursées.

3. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à vous adresser à notre équipe chargée des services par e-mail à l'adresse

4 Formation du contrat

1. Aucun contrat ne sera établi entre vous et Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH tant que nous n'aurons pas envoyé les marchandises que vous avez commandées. Vous nous aurez fait une offre qui constitue un engagement pour conclure le contrat avec vous lorsque vous nous transmettez une commande passée sur notre site web. Nous procéderons au traitement de votre commande dès que vous aurez fourni les données nécessaires au processus de commande et validé la commande en appuyant sur le bouton "Merci de commander et faites-moi payer".

2. Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH a le droit de refuser votre commande sans donner de motif.

5 Information importante

1. Les marchandises proposées dans la boutique sont présentées sous forme de photos numériques des produits actuels. Les petites différences entre cette présentation et l'aspect réel des marchandises ne sont pas considérées comme un défaut des articles commandés.


1. Les marchandises seront livrées uniquement par UPS. Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH assumera les risques liés au transport jusqu'au client.

2. Les marchandises seront approximativement prêtes pour l'expédition le jour suivant de votre commande. À moins qu'il en ait été disposé différemment, la livraison sera effectuée du dépôt jusqu'à l'adresse de livraison fournie par le client. Veuillez noter que toutes les taxes d'importation, droits de douane et frais de manutention qui sont différents dans chaque pays sont à la charge du client .

7 Paiement, retards de paiement

Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH propose à ses clients cinq méthodes de paiement (en fonction du pays) :

PayPal (PP Retail GmbH), Klarna (la facture doit être payée dans les 14 jours, valable uniquement pour l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, les Pays-Bas), Sofort berweisung/iDeal, contre-remboursement à la livraison ou carte de crédit.

Les frais de virement ou commissions bancaires éventuels sont à la charge du client.

Chaque note de crédit pour des marchandises retournées qui avaient été payées en liquide à la livraison sera virée sur votre compte bancaire. C'est pourquoi nous vous demandons de nous fournir vos coordonnées bancaires lorsque vous demandez un retour. Tous les autres paiements seront remboursés en fonction de la méthode de paiement utilisé (PayPal, carte de crédit).

Procédure à suivre pour payer par carte de crédit :

Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH possède un chiffrement de sécurité des données avec une connexion SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Cette méthode de chiffrement protège les informations de votre carte de crédit contre l'espionnage et la manipulation lorsqu'elles sont transmises. C'est pourquoi il est impossible aux personnes non-autorisées de lire ces données durant leur transmission sur l'Internet. Les marchandises seront livrées dès que la banque ou la société de la carte de crédit aura confirmé que le paiement a bien eu lieu.

Nous acceptons les cartes de crédit suivantes : Visa Card et Master Card.

Exception faite des réclamations qui sont incontestées ou qui ont été établies par la loi, un droit de suspendre ou de refuser le service de la part du client est exclu dans les relations entre les gens d'affaires.

8 Réservation de titre

Les marchandises livrées continuera d'appartenir à Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH tant qu'elles n'auront pas été entièrement réglées.

9 Garantie

La garantie légale s'applique.

10 Product Safety and Usage

Avertissements et informations de sécurité

Pour votre sécurité et une utilisation optimale de nos produits, veuillez prendre en compte les points suivants :

1. Informations générales de sécurité : Nos produits sont conçus pour un usage prévu. Veuillez suivre les instructions de soin et de nettoyage pour préserver leur qualité et leur sécurité.

2. Avertissements spécifiques :

● Évitez tout contact direct avec des flammes nues, en particulier pour les matériaux synthétiques.

● Les petites pièces, telles que les boutons ou les boucles, peuvent présenter un risque d'étouffement pour les enfants si elles ne sont pas manipulées correctement.

● Les personnes allergiques au cuir ou aux matériaux synthétiques doivent tester le produit pour détecter d'éventuelles réactions.

3. Instructions d'utilisation :

● Nettoyez les produits en suivant les instructions figurant sur l'étiquette d'entretien.

● Non adapté aux températures extrêmes ou à une utilisation inappropriée.

4. Recommandation d'âge : Nos produits ne conviennent pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans s'ils incluent de petites pièces.

5. Informations sur l'emballage et le recyclage : Veuillez jeter l'emballage de manière responsable et vérifier les consignes locales de recyclage.

Pour toute information ou question supplémentaire, notre service client est à votre disposition :

11 Protection des données

Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH stockera et traitera les données de tous les clients conformément à la loi en matière de protection des données. En particulier, les données personnelles seront enregistrées et stockées uniquement pour traiter une commande de marchandises ou, si vous avez donné votre consentement, utilisées également par Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH pour des activités de marketing comme, par exemple, l'envoi de Newsletters. Nous ne conserverons pas vos données personnelles plus longtemps qu'il ne sera nécessaire. Nous ne divulguerons pas les données personnelles à des tierces parties. Les partenaires de service de Cream della Cream Switzerland GmbH ayant besoin de la transmission des données pour traiter la commande sont exclus de cette disposition. Dans ces cas-là, de toutes façons, la quantité de données transmises sera limitée au minimum indispensable.

12 Loi applicable, validité

Seule la loi allemande sera applicable, à l'exclusion de la convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente. Si une ou plusieurs dispositions sont ou deviennent non valides, cela n'affectera pas la validité des dispositions restantes.

Dernière modification faite en 01 / 14

Termes B2B

1. General/Validity

1. The below Terms and Conditions apply to any delivery transaction of the Seller. The Buyer placing the order constitutes the Buyer's legally binding acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

2. Any contrary General Terms and Conditions from the Buyer only become part of the Agreement if the Seller has or will accept them in writing (i.e. not by silence). The Seller objects to any contradicting Terms and Conditions of the Buyer unless those have been or will be accepted in writing.

2. Agreement conclusion

1. All Seller's offers are subject to change.

2. The prices are net prices to which statutory value added tax is added. Furthermore, the Buyer will be charged the costs for packaging, freight, expenses such as customs duties and other shipment costs. Special surcharges shall be charged for individual and customized orders.

3. Any verbal information and agreements, especially with the Seller's field office, sales representatives or employees in the showrooms require explicit written confirmation by the Seller in order to become binding for the Seller. 4. Redispositioning within the framework of a placed order is only permitted by written mutual agreement.

3. Delivery and Delivery Time

1. The Seller is entitled to make partial deliveries. The Buyer agrees to unsorted partial deliveries provided that the subsequent delivery is delivered within the agreed upon delivery period after receipt of the respective partial deliveries.

2. The Seller will never conclude sales that are to be performed at a fixed point in time. The specified delivery times are estimates that only express approximate delivery times. If, in individual cases, a delivery time has been agreed upon in writing it is considered fulfilled if the goods that are to be delivered have been dispatched at the deadline or if the Buyer has been informed of the readiness for dispatch in those cases in which the Buyer is to pick the goods up.

3. Force majeure and other extraordinary events that are outside the Seller's influence and which make the delivery within the arranged delivery period significantly more difficult or impossible, e.g. strike, sickness, disturbances in the business operations of the pre-suppliers, extend the delivery time by the duration of the interference. The Seller shall inform the Buyer immediately once such events occur, as soon as the Seller determines that they will impact the delivery time. At the same time, the Seller specifies the estimated duration of a required extension of the delivery period. In these cases of non-availability, the Seller is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement if it has not yet been fulfilled. The Seller shall immediately after becoming aware of the non-availability notify the Buyer if it intends to withdraw from the Agreement.

4. If the Seller is late with a delivery, it shall be granted an additional 18 days to deliver. After unsuccessful expiry of these additional days to deliver, the Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement only, and limited to the portion of the delivery obligation that has not yet been fulfilled, if the Buyer informs the Seller in writing upon occurrence of the delivery delay that it will reject fulfilment of the Agreement after unsuccessful expiry of additional days to deliver of at least 18 days. In this case, the Buyer may only request compensation for non-fulfilment instead of exercising the right to withdraw if the Seller or its vicarious agents have intentionally or through gross negligence caused the delivery delay. In exceptional cases, in the event of a partial delivery delay caused by the Seller, the Buyer is entitled under the aforementioned conditions to withdraw from the entire Agreement or request compensation due to non-fulfilment of the entire delivery obligation if the partial fulfilment of the Agreement is of no interest for the Buyer by applying strict assessment criteria.

4. Shipping and Transfer of Risks

1. The goods shall be delivered from the Seller's warehouse. Place of fulfilment for all services under the Supply Agreement is the location of the Seller's warehouse.

2. The Buyer bears the shipping costs including all incidental expenses, such as packaging and customs duties.

3. With the transfer of the goods to the Buyer, forwarding agent or freight carrier or any other individual or establishment who has been commissioned to carry out the shipment, however no later than at the time of leaving the warehouse, risks are transferred to the Buyer. The Seller is only liable for defects regarding the packaging of the goods, its shipment or the choice of the transportation means or route of transport if the Seller or its vicarious agents have acted intentionally or grossly negligent.

4. The Seller is only obligated to effect a transport insurance if the Buyer specifically requests it. The costs shall be borne by the Buyer

5. If shipment of goods is delayed for a reason that is not the Seller's responsibility, risk is already transferred to the Buyer at the time of notification of shipment readiness. In this case, the Seller is entitled to store the delivery item at the Buyer's expense and risk at the Seller's own discretion and request immediate payment of the invoice amount.

6. If the Buyer does not accept shipped goods or does not accept them on time, the Buyer must bear any resulting additional transportation costs and incurring storage costs. The Seller will charge those separately.

5. Garantie

1. The Buyer is obligated to thoroughly check the goods immediately upon receipt. The Buyer must inform the Seller in writing of any deficiencies and complaints within no later than 10 days after receipt. Evidence in the form of photos of the deficiencies and complaints must be provided by the Seller who is a businessman/businesswoman as defined by Section 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB) and processing of the complaint must be carried out by using the online complaints program that has been set up by the Seller.

2. Warranty rights do not exist if the Buyer carries out or causes modifications to the delivered goods or has tolerated modifications by third parties.

3. Customary deviations and/or minor and/or technically unavoidable deviations in the quality, colour, weight and dimensions of the design do not entitle to claims and do not result in warranty claims unless compliance has been explicitly agreed upon.

4. In the event of material damage, the Seller is entitled to improvement or delivering replacement goods that are free of defects within two weeks after receiving the returned goods. Returning goods is only allowed if the Seller has agreed to it. If the Seller chooses improvement or replacement delivery and if this fails, the Buyer may request at its choice that the purchase price is reduced or withdraw from the Agreement with respect to the goods for which the improvement or replacement delivery has failed.

5. The Buyer may exercise the right of retention of the purchase price that it owes due to possible material defects or incompleteness only with regard to the partial amount which it would owe for the deficient or missing parts during proper delivery. Any withholding of payments to the Seller that exceed the aforementioned entitles the Seller to refuse fulfilment of its warranty obligation until receipt of such payments.

6. For new delivery items, the period of limitation for claims is one year from the date of the transfer of risks. The statutory periods in accordance with Section 478 of the German Civil Code (BGB) shall remain unaffected.

7. If a Buyer's claim proves to be unjustified, the Buyer shall bear the shipping costs for returning the goods. In addition, the Buyer shall bear an administrative fee of Euro 5.00 for each item which the Seller invoices for when returning the goods if the Buyer cannot provide evidence that the incurred costs where less than the charged flat rate.

6. Liability

1. Buyer claims, especially for compensation or lost profit are excluded, unless they are based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of contract by the Seller or its statutory representative or its vicarious agents.

2. If the Seller is liable to pay compensation even in cases of common negligence based on particular agreements or obligatory legal provisions, the amount of the compensation that is to be paid by the Seller is limited to a maximum of 100% of the delivery value and the damage which the Seller should specifically have anticipated at the time of the Agreement conclusion, by considering all circumstances that were known at this point in time as possible results of the contract breach or other actions that obligate to pay compensation. In the event of a delay, the compensation is furthermore limited to a maximum of 0.5% of the delivery value for each completed week of the delay.

7. Terms of Payment/Set-Off Prohibition

1. The invoice is issued on the day of delivery or provision of the goods. Any postponement of the invoice value date is excluded unless agreed to otherwise.

2. 30% of the invoice amount is due upon receipt of the confirmation of the order prior to the start of production; the remaining amount is due upon delivery in the form of cash or bank-certified cheque. Any payment terms that deviate from the aforementioned require written confirmation by the Seller.

3. The Seller does not grant any cash discount deduction.

4. Any costs that incur as a result of accepting bills of exchange or cheques, especially discount charges and interest shall be borne by the Buyer.

5. In the event of delayed payments, the Seller is entitled, without special announcement or giving notice, to charge interest on arrears in the amount of 8 percentage points above the respective base interest rate, however no less than 12% p.a. For each payment reminder, the Seller is entitled to an arrears fee of Euro 5.00.

6. Furthermore, in the event of delayed payments, all other outstanding amounts receivable - including from bills of exchange - are immediately due, regardless of their due date. The Seller is furthermore entitled to withdraw from all ongoing agreements, cease deliveries, make them dependent on the provision of securities or to only deliver on the basis of cash on delivery.

7. In the event of delayed payments, the Seller is entitled to remove any items subject to retention of title even without withdrawing from the Agreement and even if partial payments have been made. All costs incurred due to the removal of items shall be borne by the Buyer. The goods that were taken back shall be offset against the outstanding amount at the current market value, subject to proof of a significantly lower decrease in value by the Buyer.

8. Offsetting of Buyer's amounts receivable against Seller's amounts receivable is excluded unless the Buyer's amounts receivable are undisputed or have been determined as legally binding.

8. Retention of Title

1. Delivery of the goods is subject to retention of title in accordance with Section 449 of the German Civil Code (BGB) with the following expansions:

a) The delivered goods remain the Seller's property until complete payment of all amounts receivable and secondary claims from other and future transactions with the Seller (expanded current account retention). The Buyer may only sell the goods within the framework of its ordinary business operations.

b) The Buyer is not entitled to give away, pledge or transfer items subject to retention of title as a security.

c) If the Buyer does not fulfil its obligations towards the Seller or not on time or if the Buyer affects the items that have been delivered subject to retention of title in an unauthorised manner, regardless of the entitlement for fulfilment of the Agreement, the Seller may request return of the items if the Buyer has not fulfilled its obligation within a reasonable time period that shall be granted by the Seller. Once the Buyer has fulfilled the Agreement, the Seller must return the items. The above regulation does not apply to instalment purchase transactions. The right of retention may not be exercised against the entitlement for return of the items. The authorisation to sell delivered items may be revoked under the same conditions.

2. The Seller is obligated to release securities it is entitled to, to the extent that they exceed the value of secured Seller's amounts receivable by 20%.

3. The Buyer must immediately inform the Seller if any third parties access the Seller's property, items of joint ownership, claims that have been assigned to the Seller or Seller's right (garnishment, confiscation or other order); otherwise the Buyer is liable for damages.

9. Contractual Penalty

1. The Buyer is obligated to solely offer the goods for sale, display, sell them, etc. in the retail shop which it specifies as the delivery address in the order.

2. The Buyer is obligated to refrain from giving away, selling or making goods that have been sold to it to commercial resellers or making them otherwise accessible to them.

3. The Buyer is obligated to refrain from offering, selling or otherwise advertising for goods that have been purchased from the Seller on the Internet or other sales platforms outside of its retail shop that it has specified to the Seller during ordering

4. The Buyer assures that the information regarding its trader status which it made during ordering is accurate.

5. The Buyer is obligated to pay contractual penalty in the amount of Euro 5,001.00 to the Seller if the Buyer breaches any of the aforementioned reassurances and/or obligations. The Buyer shall not raise the defence of continuation of offence.

10. Exchange

1. Goods cannot be exchanged.

2. If, in exceptional cases, the Seller agrees to an exchange, the Buyer shall pay an administrative fee in the amount of 10% of the net value of the exchanged goods, plus the incurring postage and packaging costs. The Buyer is entitled to provide evidence that significantly lower costs than this flat rate incur. After return of the exchanged goods, the goods are checked by the Seller to determine whether the items are fault-free and new. If this is the case, the Seller shall issue a credit note in the amount of the net value of the returned goods to the Buyer which may be deducted from an invoice resulting from an additional order / additional orders that is / are placed by the Buyer with the Seller. The credit note amount shall never be paid out.

11. Exclusivity

1. The Seller does not provide any exclusivity promises.

2. If, in exceptional cases, an exclusivity promise is made by the Seller it shall apply exclusively and only if this has been confirmed in writing by the Seller.

12. Other Provisions

The Buyer's rights under the contract of purchase may not be transferred.

13. Place of Jurisdiction

If both parties are business people, the place of jurisdiction is in Nuremberg, Germany. The same applies to bills of exchange and cheque claims.

14. Applicable Law

The law of Germany excluding any conflicts of law shall exclusively apply. This law is also decisive for determining the question as to whether the Buyer has agreed to the validity of these General Terms and Conditions at the time of Agreement conclusion or at a later point in time.

15. Legal Validity

Any, even partial, invalidity of individual aforementioned provisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.